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Sunbury Pride. Billy Thorpe live at the Sunbury Rock Festival

Monday, June 1, 2009

Vic Uni Sunbury to close - The truth revealed

Fellow revolutionaries. It is no secret that Vic Uni is set to close in Sunbury. Why? I hear you ask. The answer is chilling comrades. It is all an evil plot devised by the evil Hume despots who, knowing that knowledge is power seek to keep our children poor, uneducated and subservient to their rulers. Slavishly following their ideological role model Joseph Stalin they echo his mantra "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?" So too do our imperialist captors seek to remove from us any chance to gain valuable education and thus derive us from the power of knowledge. Knowledge that could help set us free from their vice like oppressionist grip.

Just as the Morlocks in H.G Wells novel The Time Machine kept their tame specimens to devour at their whim so too do we the good folks of Sunbury ( including Bulla and parts of Diggers Rest) find ourselves at the mercy of a tyrannical ruling class who use Sunbury as a larder to satisfy their vacuous appetites stripping us of our community assets such as the Racecourse Rd land and council offices all of which has gone into the Hume coffers to furnish the lavish lifestyles of the Broadmeadows based ruling class.


Anonymous said...

I always motivated by you, your thoughts and attitude, again, thanks for this nice post.

- Norman